Yellow butterflies are a pleasure to see. Like a ray of sunshine, they brighten your day. In this article we will see what their meaning is and what their colors symbolize. This will be followed by a selection from us of some magnificent species of yellow butterfly.
Are yellow butterflies rare?
Yellow is a primary pigmentation, so it is common to find shades of gold and yellow in butterflies.
Where can they be found ?
In general, yellow and black butterfly species are common throughout the world, with the exception of Antarctica.
What do yellow butterflies symbolize?
Yellow butterflies represent new life, transformation or rebirth in many cultures. They also represent good health, long life, as well as prosperity. Gold is yellow and yellow or golden butterflies represent wealth and well-being. A yellow or golden butterfly also symbolizes new life, a new beginning.
Some say that if you see one, you will soon find happiness. And if it lands on you, expect a big positive change to happen.
A golden butterfly seen near a dying person is an omen of eternal happiness for that person.
It was an early Christian symbol that represented the soul. Some Irish legends say that these are in fact deceased souls, resting peacefully in the afterlife.
The most beautiful species of yellow butterflies around the world
Zerene eurydice
Zerene eurydice, also called California dogface , is a butterfly that belongs to the Pieridae family. This species is endemic to California.
The female usually has yellow wings, with two black dots or dashes on each forewing, while the male has black on the outer edges of the forewing, usually surrounding a yellow-orange color and two black dots. Males have iridescent pigment on their dorsal forewings, due to light-reflecting chitin structures, and this has been associated with mating success. Zerene Eurydice's wing span measures approximately 5-6 cm.
The distribution of this moth is limited to that of California and is commonly found in the San Bernardino Mountains and Santa Ana Mountains of Southern California. In addition to mountains, they can often be seen in California's chaparral and woodland habitats.
These butterflies fly very fast and are difficult to approach unless they are feeding on flowers, which makes it difficult to photograph them with their wings open. This rapid flight helps the Zerene eurydice escape predators such as birds, frogs, snakes, lizards and wasps.
troides helena
Troides helena is a butterfly belonging to the Papilionidae family. It is often found in the wildlife trade due to its popularity with butterfly collectors.
It is a large butterfly that has scalloped wings with a wingspan ranging from 130 at 170mm.
Males have black forewings with veins discreetly colored white and yellow hindwings veined with black.
Troides Helena resides in forest areas up to an altitude of 1000 meters. It is present in Indonesia in the Moluccas archipelago, Indochina, northeast India, southern China, Malaysia, Sumatra, Bali, Borneo and Java.
Phoebis sennae
Phoebis sennae, also called the Garden Pieridae, is a medium-sized butterfly of the Pieridae family.
It has a wingspan varying from 63 to 78 mm. Its wings are yellow on both sides, lemon yellow on top. In the female, the forewing has two silver points which are surrounded by black.
Their range is wide, from South America to southern Canada.
Common habitats of this butterfly are open spaces, gardens, clearings, seashores and waterways.
Papilio swallowtail
Papilio machaon, is a butterfly of the Papilionidae family. It is more commonly called Machaon. (It is a common name that is applied to all members of the family, but this species was the first to be referred to by this name). It is the type species of the genus Papilio.
The Swallowtail typically has yellow wings marked with black veins, with a wingspan ranging from 65 to 86 millimeters. The hindwings of both sexes have a pair of protruding tails which give the butterfly its name Great Hairstreak. Just below each tail are one red eyespot and six blue eyespots
This widespread species is found across much of the Palearctic (it is the only swallowtail in most of Europe) and North America. In France, it is observable in all departments.
It is possible to find it in all habitats where its host plants grow.
Phoebis philea
Phoebis philea, is a species of butterfly belonging to the Pieridae family. The wingspan is 68 to 80 mm.
It is very pleasing to the eye due to its beautifully vivid and bright color combinations, as well as its incredible speed and control in flight, which comes from its size and power.
The male's golden wings are marked with two dark orange spots on the upper wing and a broad, curved orange stripe on the lower wing that resembles a happy face. The underside of the golden wings is speckled with small brown spots. The female's brown spots are slightly larger and darker than those of the male.
It is found in America, including the Caribbean. There are two to three generations per year in Florida and one in the northern part of the range, with adults on wing in mid to late summer.
The species' habitat is found in tropical scrub, gardens, fields and forest edges. Phoebis philea is often found in large, dense groups of mixed species, notably with Aphrissa statira, Phoebis argante, and Rhabdodryas trite. Its larvae feed on Cassia species.
Automeris io
The Automeris io, the Io moth, is a colorful North American moth in the family Saturniidae.
It has a wingspan of 63 to 88 mm. This species is sexually dimorphic, with males having bright yellow forewings, bodies and legs, while females have reddish-brown forewings, bodies and legs. Males also have much larger feathery antennae than females. Both have a large black to bluish eyespot with some white in the center, on each hindwing, a defense mechanism intended to scare off potential predators, especially when the butterfly is sitting in a head-down position. Adults live 1 to 2 weeks.
This moth is found in North America.
Argema mittrei
Argema mittrei, also known as the Madagascar comet butterfly, is a large moth native to the rainforests of Madagascar. The male has wingspans of 20 cm and a tail span of 15 cm, making it one of the largest moths in the world.
The female lays 120 to 170 eggs, and after hatching, the larvae feed on Eugenia and Weinmannia leaves for about two months before pupating. The cocoon is pierced with numerous holes to prevent the chrysalis from drowning in the daily rains of its natural habitat. The adult butterfly cannot feed and only lives 4 to 5 days. Being endangered in the wild due to habitat loss, the Madagascar comet butterfly is bred in captivity.