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Where to sell your jewelry?

Où vendre ses bijoux ?

If you are here, you are probably wondering where can you sell your jewelry? Whether you're looking to declutter your collection, trade valuable items for cash, or have inherited pieces you just don't want to keep, knowing where to sell your jewelry can come in handy!

For this, a complete guide on this subject is necessary due to the unique character and diversity of the jewelry market. Much like the pieces themselves, the jewelry market is a vast and varied landscape. Every piece of jewelry, whether it's a diamond ring passed down from your great-grandmother, a handcrafted earring you picked up at a fair, or a luxury watch from a premium brand, has distinct value and appeals to a different set of buyers. The key is to match the part to the right platform and the right buyer. This guide is here to help you!

Understanding the Types of Jewelry and Their Value

Let's start by digging deeper into understanding the different types of jewelry and how to assess their value.

Types of jewelry

Jewelry comes in all shapes and sizes, with each piece having its unique history and value. Here's a quick overview of the types of jewelry you might have in your collection:

Artisanal jewelry

These are pieces made by artisans, often unique or in limited edition. Handcrafted jewelry can range from simple, rustic designs to elaborate, intricate pieces. Their value may depend on the artistry, materials used and reputation of the craftsman.

Branded jewelry

These are jewelry from well-known brands or designers, such as Tiffany & Co. or Cartier. These pieces often have a high value due to the reputation, quality, design and materials used by the brand that created them.

Antique or heirloom jewelry

These pieces are often decades old, passed down from generation to generation. Their value may be based on factors such as age, rarity, historical significance and condition.

Precious and fine stone jewelry

These are jewelry containing precious stones or fine stones. The value of these pieces generally depends on the quality, size, and rarity of the crystals used, as well as the craftsmanship and overall design of the piece.

Assess the value of your jewelry

Now let's see how to determine the value of your jewelry.

Appraisal vs Market Value

An appraisal gives you an estimate of the value of your jewelry based on its material, craftsmanship and rarity. However, it is essential to understand that appraised value is not always the same as market value. The latter depends on what buyers are willing to pay for it. A licensed appraiser can provide an accurate appraisal value, but understanding the market and researching comparable sales can help you estimate market value.

Factors that affect the value of jewelry

Many elements go into the evaluation of a piece of jewelry. These may include the type and quality of materials (such as gold, silver, gemstones), condition of the piece, brand name if applicable, design and craftsmanship , and even current fashion trends.

Understanding the type and value of your jewelry is the crucial first step toward a successful sale. With this knowledge in your arsenal, you are now ready to explore different venues to sell your most valuable possessions.

Places to Sell Your Jewelry

We will now look at the different platforms on which you can sell your jewelry, both online and offline.

Online platforms

The digital world has made selling jewelry from the comfort of your home a breeze. Here are some of the best online platforms to sell your jewelry:


Etsy is a global marketplace for unique and creative products, including handmade and vintage jewelry. It’s a perfect platform if you’re looking to reach an international audience. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy to configure the store and list the products.


One of the largest global online marketplaces, eBay provides access to a massive customer base. It is suitable for all types of jewelry, from antique pieces to designer items and handmade creations. You can either set a “Buy It Now” price or put your items up for auction.

Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is a fast and convenient platform for local selling. It's excellent for reaching people in a specific area and the sales process is quite simple. Plus, there are no fees!

Collective locker room

First platform in France for the sale of second-hand luxury products, including high-end jewelry. Vestiaire Collective takes care of everything once your item sells, including shipping and returns, making it easier for sellers.

Physical stores

If you prefer a more traditional route, there are still plenty of options:

Local jewelry stores

Many local jewelers buy second-hand jewelry. It's a quick way to sell, but be sure to have your item appraised first so you have a better idea of ​​its value.


They are usually interested in high-value pieces, such as gold and diamond jewelry. Be aware that pawn shops are generally more loan-oriented, so they may not offer you the best price for your pieces.

Consignment Stores

These stores sell items on your behalf and take a percentage of the sale price as commission. It may take longer to sell this way, but you could potentially get a better price.

Auction houses

For high-value, antique or unique jewelry, auction houses such as Drouot in Paris might be a good option. Auction houses have experts who can accurately value your piece and a network of collectors and buyers looking for unique items.

Trade shows and jewelry fairs

Consider selling your items at jewelry shows or trade shows. These events attract many enthusiasts and collectors, giving you the opportunity to get a good price for your items. France hosts several trade fairs of this type, including the International Fair of Rare Pearls and Jewelry in Paris.

Direct sales to consumers: setting up a private sale

If you have a network of potential buyers, you might consider a private sale. This method requires more work, including setting up the sales platform, marketing your coins, and handling transactions, but it also means you won't have to pay a middleman.

In the next chapter, we will help you review these options and choose the best place to sell your jewelry.

How to choose the best place to sell your jewelry

Now that we've outlined all the potential platforms, you may be wondering, "Which one is best for me?" » Choosing where to sell your jewelry can seem complicated, but don't worry, we'll help you!

Understand your target customers

First, ask yourself: who would want to buy my jewelry? Identifying your target customer or persona is crucial. For example, a vintage Cartier watch may attract collectors or luxury enthusiasts, which you will find more easily on platforms like Vestiaire Collective or at an auction house. On the other hand, unique, handcrafted pieces can attract a wider audience on a site like Etsy.

Evaluate your sales options

Next, consider the pros and cons of each sales platform. Online marketplaces, for example, are convenient and broad in scope, but they also involve competition from thousands of other sellers. Physical stores may offer immediate payment, but they may not offer the best price. Weigh the pros and cons of each option against your priorities.

Considerations for Choosing a Sales Platform

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right platform:


Make sure the platform has secure payment methods and strong policies to protect sellers from fraudulent buyers.

Selling fees

Be aware of sales fees. Platforms like eBay and Etsy charge a listing fee and a percentage of the final sale price. Physical stores and auction houses may also have commission fees.

Audience Reach

Consider the scope of the platform. Local platforms like Facebook Marketplace are great for reaching buyers in your area, while online marketplaces can help you reach a global audience.

Remember, there is no single platform for selling jewelry. The best platform for you depends on your jewelry, your personal situation and your sales goals. By taking the time to understand the value of your jewelry and your options, you are already on your way to becoming a successful jewelry seller.

Here are some tips for effectively marketing your jewelry.

Tips for effectively selling your jewelry

When we talk about sales, there are necessarily techniques to apply to attract customers and put all the chances on your side to sell your jewelry effectively!

Quality photos and descriptions

Your jewelry may look beautiful in person, but how you present it online is very important. Clear, high-quality photos from multiple angles will show off the best features of your room. Consider investing in a good camera or hiring a professional photographer. Also be sure to write detailed descriptions, including size, materials, brand name (if applicable), condition, any unique features and why not, a touch of storytelling.

Price of your jewelry

Set competitive prices for your items. To do this, you need to know the market value of your jewelry (as discussed previously). Checking similar items on your chosen platform can also give you an idea of ​​what buyers are willing to pay.

Build trust with buyers

Buyers want to know they can trust the seller. Therefore, it is essential to provide excellent customer service. Answer questions promptly and thoroughly, be honest about the condition of your item, and include positive customer feedback where applicable. If you sell high-value items, consider offering certificates of authenticity or appraisals.

Using Social Media for Promotion

Promoting your jewelry on social media can significantly increase your reach. You can publish your articles on your own profile, in relevant groups or even run targeted advertisements. Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook are great platforms to showcase jewelry.

Remember, marketing is about making your item stand out and connect with potential buyers. With these tips up your sleeve, you are well equipped to showcase your jewelry in the best way possible.

Now, let's look at the potential pitfalls you need to avoid when selling your jewelry.

Pitfalls to Avoid When Selling Jewelry

Avoiding the pitfalls we're going to tell you about when selling jewelry will help you ensure a smooth sales process and maximize your returns.

Undervaluing or overvaluing your jewelry

Pricing your jewelry incorrectly is one of the most common mistakes. Pricing too low means you may not earn what your piece is truly worth, while pricing too high may deter potential buyers. Conduct thorough market research and consider getting an appraisal to ensure your items are priced fairly and realistically.

Skip presentation

First impressions count. Blurry photos, poorly written descriptions, or messy packaging can make your item less appealing. Always present your jewelry in a professional and accurate manner.

Neglecting Shipping and Insurance

Especially when selling online, it is essential to think about how you will deliver the item to the buyer safely. For valuable parts, you'll need to invest in reliable shipping and insurance. Failure to do so can result in lost items, unhappy customers, and financial losses.

Not understanding your sales platform

Different selling platforms have different rules, fees, and buyer demographics. Not understanding the sales platform you choose can lead to mistakes. Always read the platform's terms and conditions, understand the costs involved, and know the type of audience you will reach.

Not being transparent with buyers

Always be upfront about the condition of your item, any defects, materials used, and the history of the item, if known. Dishonesty or omission may result in returns, disputes, or harm your reputation as a seller.

Avoiding these pitfalls is just as essential as following our previous advice. With this knowledge, you are now ready to get started selling your jewelry!


We are now at the end of this complete guide devoted to the question "Where to sell your jewelry?" From understanding the types of jewelry and their value to selecting the best sales platform, from marketing your pieces effectively to avoiding common pitfalls, we've covered the essential points for making sales in the best conditions. .

Selling your jewelry can be an exciting, although sometimes difficult, experience. This is an opportunity to turn your jewelry into profit, or even start your own business. And while the process may seem daunting, with the right tools and knowledge (which you now have), it can be a fruitful and even enjoyable journey.

Whether you're selling an artisan necklace, an inherited antique, or a luxury designer piece, remember that the key to success lies in understanding the value of your item, choosing the most appropriate platform, and presenting your room in its best light. Always maintain transparency and strive to build trust with your buyers.

And finally, always keep learning. The jewelry world and its market are constantly evolving, so stay informed and ready to adapt your strategy as needed.

Thank you for reading this article to the end. We wish you great success in selling your jewelry. Good luck and happy selling!

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